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Daniel Ebeling

Daniel Ebeling Daniel Ebeling Chemistry Professor Email: dan.ebeling@fatemeeting.com Phone: 414.443.8973

Daniel Ebeling


  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Analytical Chemistry
  • B.S., Wisconsin Lutheran College, Chemistry


A pivotal time in my life was when I was a student at WLC. I am a proud product of the chemistry program. My professors provided opportunities for me to get a strong foundation in mathematics, science, and the liberal arts - but then also provided opportunities to apply that knowledge and through laboratory research and publishing the work. Now I am privileged to work with my students and give them these opportunities that are so rare at the undergraduate level. 

Education should not be about any single discipline. The exciting things happen on the fringes and overlap of disciplines. I notice the curiosity and joy of learning when observing my wife’s and my own children. We all enjoy reading, nature, biking, camping, traveling, Mandarin Chinese language study, and Ultimate Frisbee. We attend St. John’s Lutheran Church in Wauwatosa


  • General Chemistry 1 and 2
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Instrumental Analysis
  • Physical Chemistry  Lab 1
  • Undergraduate Research
  • Environmental Science

Research Interests

Since 2007 years I have been collaborating with KWJ Engineering in Newark, California. The student research has been an important factor in KWJ Engineering spinning off a new company, SPEC Sensors (with support from an NSF Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant). In addition to summer research for students and undergraduate research course credits, I have found ways to reach many more students by getting the research into the regular chemistry curriculum. I use the engineering projects in three different chemistry courses for one fourth to half of the laboratory time. Projects include:

  • In Physical Chemistry lab: replacing a stock phase diagram experiment with students synthesizing novel ionic liquids and then determining the binary phase diagram to screen for utility in electrochemical sensors.
  • In Instrumental Analysis: building and testing a micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) sensor for selective hydrogen detection, and building a portable ozone generator for water purification or sterilizing surgical equipment (students transported and set up tests at Cook County Hospital in Chicago).
  • In Quantitative Analysis: every student building his or her own design of a screen-printed electrochemical sensor. Students test their sensors and analyze for detection limit, sensitivity, and selectivity. This particular work led to receiving supplemental NSF funding for research experience for undergraduates.

Scholarly Works

Peer-Reviewed Publications (Undergraduate Student Authors in Bold)

Miao, Q., D. Bronner, M. Guedel, A. Ebeling, and D. Ebeling.  “Fourier-transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy Analysis of Seven Wisconsin Biosolids.” Journal of Emerging Investigators. 4: 1-6. (2021)

Shirke, A, Li, S, Ebeling, D, Carter, M, Stetter, J. “Integrated Ozone Microreactor Technology for Water Treatment” ECS Transactions 58(35): 11-20 (2014).

Ebeling, A, Hartmann, V, Rockman, A, Armstrong, A, Balza, R, Erbe, J, Ebeling, D. “Silver Nanoparticle Adsorption to Soil and Water Treatment Residuals and Impact on Zebrafish in a Lab-scale Constructed Wetland” Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering Journal, July, (2013).

Gertsch, J, Armstrong, A, Ebeling, D, Shirke, A, Stetter, J. “Water Reclamation Using a Microplasma Ozone Source - E. coli and Organic Dye Destruction” International Ozone Association - Pan American Group Proceedings, Milwaukee, WI, Sept. (2012). 

Gertsch, J, Ebeling, D, Kilham, L, Findlay Jr., M, Patel, V, Stetter, J. “Improvements in Ozone Measurements in Air and Water with Multi-Sensor Instruments” Manuscript for Conference and Exposition on Applications of Ozone in Commercial-Industrial and Municipal Markets, ROI and Public Health. Seattle, WA, Sept. (2010).

Ebeling, D, Patel, V, Findlay, M, Stetter, J. “Electrochemical Ozone Sensor and Instrument with Characterization of the Electrode and Gas Flow Effects.”  Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 137: 129-133 (2009)

Ebeling, D and Davis, J. “Experimental factors in soil phosphorus tests: Shaking vessel, filtration, and centrifugation”, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 40:1610-1623 (2009)

Ebeling, D, Stetter J., Kilham, L., Patel V., Findlay, M.  “New Developments in Electrochemical Ozone Sensors and Ozone Calibrators” Proceedings of the International Ozone Conference Orlando, Florida, August (2008)

Ebeling, A.M., Bundy, L.G., Kittell, A.W., Ebeling, D.D., “Evaluating the Bray P1 Test on High pH, Calcareous Soils.” Soil Sci. Soc. of Am. J.  72:985-991 (2008)

Sobeck, S.A. and Ebeling, D.D.  “Mass Spectrometric Analysis for Phosphate in Soil Extracts; Comparison of Mass Spectrometry, Colorimetry, and Inductively Coupled Plasma.”  Analytical Sciences Digital Library E-UGR. April 4, (2007)

Ebeling D.D., Westphall M.S., Scalf M., and Smith L.M., “A Cylindrical Capacitor Ionization Source: Droplet Generation and Controlled Charge Reduction for Mass Spectrometry” Rapid Comm. in Mass Spectrom. 15, 401-405 (2001)

Ebeling D.D., Westphall M.S., Scalf M., and Smith L.M., “Corona Discharge in Charge Reduction Electrospray Mass Spectrometry” Anal. Chem. 72, 5158 (2000)

Beyer, K.D., Ebeling, D.D., “UV Refractive Indices of Aqueous Ammonium Sulfate Solutions”  Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 16, 3147 (1998). 


J. Stetter, E. Stetter, D. Ebeling, M. Findlay “Printed Gas Sensor” U.S. Patent 8,795,484 B2 (2014)

Ebeling, D.D., Westphall, M.S., Scalf, M., Smith, L.M .,  “New Method of Charge Reduction in Electrospray Mass Spectrometry” U.S. Patent No. 6,649,907 (2004)

Smith, L. M ., Scalf, M., Westphall, M. S., Ebeling, D.D., “Reducing the Charges of Ions Generated by Electrospray Ionization for Mass Spectrometry” U.S. Patent No. 6,727,487 (2003).


“Validation of a Low-Cost on-Demand Compact Ozone Covid-19 Sterilization Chamber” D. Ebeling, J. Werner, J. Erbe, S. Ebeling, Q. Miao, A. Ebeling, L. Sanford, C. Boinski, B. Salous, A. Scheunemann, D. Peaslee, L. Ploense, R. Ploense, E. Stetter, M. Findlay, B. Meulendyk, M. Lee, V. Patel, and J. R. Stetter, 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, May, 2021.

“Carbon Measurements Unaffected By Single Applications of Biosolids; Teaching Simple Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis” D. Ebeling, A. Shipley, Q. Miao, A. Ebeling, S. Ebeling, and A. Ebeling, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Virtual, November, 2020.

“Initial validation of a compact ozone sterilization chamber prototype using an E. coli bacteriophage” D. Ebeling, J. Werner, J. Erbe, S. Ebeling, Q. Miao, A. Ebeling, L. Sanford, D. Peaslee, L. Ploense, R. Ploense, E. Stetter, M. Findlay, B. Meulendyk, M. Lee, V. Patel, J. Stetter. International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) Virtual Annual Meeting, September, 2020.

“FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) Analysis of Seven Wisconsin Biosolids” D. Ebeling, D. Bronner, M. Guedel, Q. Miao, A. Ebeling. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November, 2019

“Silver Nanoparticle Sorption and Desorption to Soil and Water Treatment Residuals” D. Ebeling et al.  ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November, 2013

“Integrated Ozone Microreactor Technology for Water Treatment” A. Shirke, S.  Li, D. Ebeling, M. Carter, J. Stetter. 224th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, California October, 2013.
Plenary summary in English and Chinese of Panel 2 - “Anti-poverty and Livelihood Security: Theory and Policy.” The 8th Annual Conference of the Consortium for Western China Development Studies Chengdu, Sichuan, China, July, 2013

“Novel Process Technologies for Disinfection of Potable Water: Wastewater Reclamation Using a Microplasma Ozone Source--E. Coli and Organic Dye Destruction” J. Gertsch, A. Armstrong, D. Ebeling, J. Stetter, A. Shirke, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, October, 2012.

“Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Zebrafish and Bacteria in a Lab-Scale Constructed Wetland with Potential Remediation by Soil and Water Treatment Residuals.  V. Hartmann, A. Rockman, A. Armstrong, M. Wagner, B. Tellier, J. Erbe, R. Balza, D. Ebeling, and A. Ebeling.  ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA International Meeting, Cincinnati, OH; October, 2012.

“Water Reclamation Using a Microplasma Ozone Source and Screen Printed Electrochemical Ozone Sensors” D. Ebeling and E. Stetter International Ozone Association - Pan American Group. Milwaukee, WI, September, 2012.

“Wisdom of Chairs” and moderation of discussion.  D. Ebeling Council of Independent Colleges Workshop for Department and Division Chairs.  Indianapolis, IN, April, 201

“Water Purification Using Microreactor Technology and Integrated Ozone Generation" A. Shirke, D. Ebeling, M. Carter, and J. Stetter, Electrochemical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 2012

“Lab-Scale Constructed Wetland” V. Hartmann, M. Reep, N. Kersten, J. Erbe, A. Ebeling, and D. Ebeling, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October, 2011

"PPB-Level Detection of Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Drinking Water with an Electrochemical Sensor"  J. Stetter, M. Findlay, V. Patel, D. Ebeling, and M. Carter, Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May, 2011

“Analysis of Total Phosphorus in Harvested Aquatic Plants”  D. Ebeling, F. A. Rwatambuga, A. Ebeling , ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2010

“Electrochemical Detection of Ozone in Air and Water with CNT-Electrocatalysts: Industrial Applications,”  J. Stetter, M. Findlay, V. Patel, and D. Ebeling, Technical Digest of the IMCS-13 2010 – The 13th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Eds. W. Wlodarski, L. Faraone, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, and G. Matthews, ISBN: 978-1-74052-208-3  [p118]. Perth, Australia, July, 2010

"Construction and Characterization of a Phosphate Biosensor" D. Ebeling, J. Erbe, A. Kroken, A. Majeskie, J. Potratz, J. Davis. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Pittsburg, PA Nov 2009

“Scientific, Collaboration, and Funding Opportunities” D. Ebeling.  Invited talk.  Annual meeting for the  International Center for Sensor Science and Engineering, Chicago, IL, March, 2009

“Evaluating the Bray P1 Test on Alkaline, Calcareous Soils” D. Ebeling, F. Blum, A. Kittell, and A. Ebeling, Joint meetings of Geological Society of America and ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Houston, TX, October, 2008

“Ozone Sensors and Calibrator” D. Ebeling, J. Stetter, M. Findlay, V. Patel, L. Kilham, B. Brown. 12th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors. Columbus, OH, July, 2008

“Non-Radioactive Ion Source for Ion Mobility Spectrometry,” D. Ebeling, M. Findlay, J. Stetter.  12th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors. Columbus, OH, July, 2008

“Ozone Sensor and Calibrator” D. Ebeling, J. Stetter, M. Findlay, V. Patel, Sixteenth International Conference On-site Analysis for Homeland Security, Forensics, and Environmental Remediation, Baltimore, MD, January, 2008

“Electrochemical Ozone Sensor” D. Ebeling, IFPAC 2008 Twenty-Second International Forum Process Analytical Technology (Process Analysis & Control), Baltimore, MD, January, 2008

"Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Non-radioactive Ion Sources” D. Ebeling, Sixteenth International Conference On-site Analysis for Homeland Security, Forensics, and Environmental Remediation, Baltimore, MD, January, 2008

“Experimental Factors that Impact Results of Water Extractable Phosphorus in Soils.”   D. Ebeling, J. Davis, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November, 2006

“Phosphate Biosensor”  J. Erbe, D. Ebeling.  Lutheran College Conference, New Ulm, MN, August, 2006

“The Effect of Extraction Vessel Type in Mehlich III, DI, Bray, and Olsen Phosphorus Soil Analysis.” D. Ebeling, J. Davis, A. Ebeling, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November, 2005

“Development and Characterization of a Biosensor for the Measurement of Bioavailable Heavy Metals" D. Ebeling, J. Erbe, Wisconsin Lutheran College Seminar. Milwaukee, WI, February, 2005

“Total Phosphorus in Water and Soil by Persulfate Digestion and Malachite Green.” ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, D. Ebeling, A. Wiik, M. Poston, Seattle, WA,  November, 2004

“A Cylindrical Capacitor Ionization Source: Droplet Generation and Controlled Charge Reduction for Mass Spectrometry.”  D. Ebeling, American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conf., Chicago, IL,  May, 2001

“Corona Discharge Charge Reduction Electrospray Mass Spectrometry.”  D. Ebeling, American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conf., Long Beach, CA, June, 2000.


  • Mathematical and Physical Sciences Chair
  • WLC Ultimate Frisbee Club advisor
  • International Diversity Club advisor
  • Member of the Soil Science Society of America